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Editorial: Students Should Know What's Going On

Nikky Raney
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Written for Ed Rice's Editorial Class

One would think that by attending a school with "communications" in the title and being communications and media studies majors with concentrations in other specific fields that the students of New England School of Communications (NESCom) would be more involved with politics and be up-to-date on the current events around them. Well, think again, because we are not living up to our standards.

That's not to say all of us are oblivious to the world around us, but its an indisputable fact that when teachers ask students about current events and what is going on in the world there are not very many of us who can raise our hands and give an answer.

It's shameful to our age group, 18-24 year olds, knowing that according to a document put out by the U.S. Census Bureau in May 2010 called "Voting and Registration of the Election of 2008" only one out of every four registered voter voted. Out of the ones who aren't registered to vote 42 percent of them say it is because they have no interest.

It's understandable that some people may be uncomfortable discussing and debating politics for personal reasons, but there is a difference between expressing personal beliefs and just having common knowledge about what is going on around the country and world. Hell, some people don't even know what is going on in their own state.

How many NESCom students even read a newspaper, watch the news or go to a news web site in their own free time? Within a classroom filled with students in the journalism concentration only a handful of us even bother to act as journalists outside the classroom - and this should not be limited to us, but there should be more than 24 percent of registered voters between 18-24 voting.

Students need to care about what is going on, because the things going on affect each and every one of us. Egypt just gave its power to the military since Mubarak resigned after 30 years, but how many students understand why that even affects the United States?

The sooner we start collectively paying attention and caring about the world around us the sooner we will be able to stop complaining and start participating in making a change.

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